Board of Directors

In 2005, the Government appointed a Refrigeration & Air Conditioning (RAC) Board (the Australian Refrigeration Council – ARC) to administer the RAC licensing scheme.

The Board comes from the ARC membership and is, therefore, representative of the RAC industry. The Board consists of three directors responsible for the stationary sector and three directors responsible for the automotive sector. The ARC CEO is the executive director.

Refrigerants Australia

Refrigerant Reclaim Australia

Greg Picker, Chairperson

Kylie Farrelley

Vehicle Air Conditioning Specialists of Australia

National Electrical and Communications Association

Brett Meads

Larry Moore

Victorian Automobile Chamber of Commerce

Air Conditioning & Mechanical Contractors Association

John Khoury

Scott Williams

Australian Refrigeration Council

Australian Refrigeration Council

Glenn Evans, CEO

Richard Livingston, Secretary

contact us

  • 1300 88 44 83
  • 1300 55 40 23
  • Mail:
    Locked Bag 3033
    Box Hill VIC 3128