If you are aware of a breach of the Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Act 1989, and/or the Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Regulations 1995, please complete and submit this form.

Complaint Lodged By

Your Details

The information you provide about a breach is more likely to be used in a successful prosecution if you can be contacted to clarify points of fact. The ARC may pass your contact details on to the Government to assist with this. Your personal information will be held in confidence (view privacy policy).

Complaint About

Complaint About

Type of Complaint

Under the Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Regulations 1995 (Regulations), Part 6A, Division 6A.2, complaints in relation to the following refrigerants and RAC equipment may be investigated:

  • Refrigerant is defined as any or all of CFC, HCFC, HFC, PFC and halon that is, or has been used in RAC equipment (e.g. R134a, R12, R22, R407C etc.).
  • RAC equipment is defined as equipment, used for the cooling or heating of anything, that uses a refrigerant.

Please tick the type(s) of complaint you would like to record.

Complaint Details

Privacy Statement

The ARC is bound by the same privacy legislation as the Department of the Environment and uses the same privacy notice as contained on the department's website. Click here to read.

contact us

  • 1300 88 44 83
  • 1300 55 40 23
  • enquire@arctick.org
  • Mail:
    Locked Bag 3033
    Box Hill VIC 3128