Training for R32

Suitable trade training in flammable refrigerants is recommended prior to working on systems containing flammable refrigerants.

It is a requirement under work health and safety obligations that employers must ensure only competent workers work on air conditioners and other refrigeration systems, particularly those containing flammable refrigerants. Workers must be provided with appropriate information and training on the hazards and safe use of the specific refrigerants to which they could be exposed when performing installation, commissioning, service, repair, maintenance and decommissioning of refrigeration and air conditioning equipment.

A national unit of competency is available for A2L refrigerants (including R32) - VU22583 Class A2/A2L Flammable Refrigerants. It sits in the course – 22329 VIC Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Services as an elective. To read more about this unit of competency visit To find registered training organisations visit

Check with the relevant state-based WorkSafe agencies and refer to the relevant material safety data sheets available from refrigerant wholesalers for specific safeguards when handling R32.

For further information on how to handle flammable refrigerants, refer to the Flammable Refrigerants Safety Guide (2018).

See the Further information section below for details on how to access the relevant Australian Standards.

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  • 1300 88 44 83
  • 1300 55 40 23
  • Mail:
    Locked Bag 3033
    Box Hill VIC 3128