What you need to know before your permit condition check
All companies (or individuals) that hold a Refrigerant Trading Authorisation under the Australian Government’s Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Regulations 1995 will have a permit condition check conducted by the Australian Refrigeration Council (ARC).
To ensure you are meeting the conditions of your Refrigerant Trading Authorisation, at the time of your permit check you will be asked to either show and/or provide proof of the following:
amounts bought or purchased (bulk amount of each refrigerant)
sold (bulk amount i.e. cylinders) Amounts charged into customers’ systems is not a recording requirement
amount recovered for destruction (bulk amount)
Equipment List – quarterly details (for the last 2 quarters) of the make, model and serial numbers of each piece of the following types of equipment in your possession;
Recovery Unit
Vacuum Pump
Electronic Leak Detector
Recovery Cylinders - Used when the refrigerant in a system is no longer required and needs returning for reclamation or destruction.
Risk Management Plan - evidence that a risk management plan relating to the handling and storage of refrigerant in your business has been put into effect
Equipment Maintenance Records – quarterly (for the last 2 quarters), details of each of the following equipment in your possession having been regularly inspected and any maintenance undertaken;
Staff list - Refrigerant Handling Licence detail (for the last 2 quarters) of current staff (name, licence number, licence entitlement and expiry date)
RTA number on advertising – Your RTA number should be referenced on any advertising you do that promotes RAC services, as well as stationery items such as invoices.
Signed statement confirming all details in documentary evidence provided is true and accurate.